Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Healthy Faith

Followed Redeemed,
We all know that a healthy body is one that can work and play with ease. It is a body that does not have any illness, handicap or malady which would prevent a continuation of life. We know that too much salt in the diet leads to heart disease, or too much fat and cholesterol can cause the arteries to become clogged and breathing dust and other particles on a continual basis is not good for one's lungs.
However, do we consider what it takes it takes to keep our "faith in Jesus" healthy? As we get ready to hear the Confirmation promises of 14 young people this weekend, I wonder how many of these young people will be regular in attending worship? I wonder how many of them will join the older folks in Bible study? I wonder how many will continue to read their Bibles and grow in their understanding of God's Holy Word? What will they do after they move out of their parent's home and move out on their own? My hope and prayer is that they would place the same value on their relationship to Jesus as they would to their best friend.
If you have read these blog postings, please let me know what you'd like to hear about. Ask me questions you'd like to learn more about.
Blessings & Peace,
Hebrews 13:20-21

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